Vào đề lun:
Điều kiện: Mua 20 qcmm, hoàn thành nhiệm vụ trong ngày, chuẩn bị 2 máy chơi đc CF, để ý có dòng chữ xanh thông báo ai vừa quay đc bv.
Ví dụ người A quay đc bv lúc 12h40, người B quay đc lúc 13h40 khoảg cách rabv là 1 giờ vậy sau 1 giờ bạn sẽ quay bv.
Trước khi quay:
Mở sẵn CF máy 2 nhập ID và pass trùng với máy 1, m1 vào quay bv, sau đó m2 ấn Enter, m1 sẽ bị mất kết nối, m2 vào xem nếu chưa đc tiếp tục làm lại đảm quả thứ 2, 3 là ra.
Làm cách này tỉ lệ trúng là 90%, riêngvới 3z thì phải nói là 95%
Do you need more people to visit your website? We have a 7 day free trial that will drive targeted visitors to your website. If you have been struggling with getting your website in front of people then come try our traffic service risk free. Just click the link below to check out our service and select your package, each package includes a 7 day free trial period. There is no catch, if you don't like the service you can cancel during the trial period you will not be charged anything. These visitors are all targeted by the keywords and countries that you submit when you place your order. Start your free trial today: http://xahl.de/p Unsubscribe here: http://stpicks.com/2ruse
I came across your [CF] Thủ Thuật Quay Báu Vật Cực Kì Đơn Giản - wWw.Mobi8u.Tk | Game, ứng dụng, phần mềm, sms kute hoàn toàn miển phí website and wanted to let you know that we have decided to open our POWERFUL and PRIVATE web traffic system to the public for a limited time! You can sign up for our targeted traffic network with a free trial as we make this offer available again. If you need targeted traffic that is interested in your subject matter or products start your free trial today: http://xahl.de/p Unsubscribe here: http://xahl.de/q
I came across your [CF] Thủ Thuật Quay Báu Vật Cực Kì Đơn Giản - wWw.Mobi8u.Tk | Game, ứng dụng, phần mềm, sms kute hoàn toàn miển phí website and wanted to let you know that we have decided to open our POWERFUL and PRIVATE website traffic system to the public for a limited time! You can sign up for our targeted traffic network with a free trial as we make this offer available again. If you need targeted traffic that is interested in your subject matter or products start your free trial today: http://url.euqueroserummacaco.com/3ewon Unsubscribe here: http://stpicks.com/2ruse
I came across your [CF] Thủ Thuật Quay Báu Vật Cực Kì Đơn Giản - wWw.Mobi8u.Tk | Game, ứng dụng, phần mềm, sms kute hoàn toàn miển phí website and wanted to let you know that we have decided to open our POWERFUL and PRIVATE website traffic system to the public for a limited time! You can sign up for our targeted traffic network with a free trial as we make this offer available again. If you need targeted traffic that is interested in your subject matter or products start your free trial today: http://xahl.de/p Unsubscribe here: http://stpicks.com/2ruse
For a limited time we have lowered the rate on targeted website traffic. We have visitors from virtually every country on Earth. Each visitor is targeted by both country and keywords that you submit when you start your free trial period. If you need more visitors or product sales try our service free for seven days and we will send you 500 free visitors during the trial. There are no contracts and if you cancel during the trial period you will not be charged anything! Start your trial today: http://duckshop.co/1f1p
Unsubscribe here: http://stpicks.com/2ruse
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Tổng cộng : 36107
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